My experience in the field of dentistry began when I became a dental assistant while serving active duty in the U.S Navy in 2015. However, my curiosity for this line of work began when I was about 5 years old and went into my dental office for a standard teeth cleaning. I routinely had my teeth cleaned prior to this, but this was to be my first memory of the experience. As a young child hearing the term "teeth cleaning", I simply assumed I was going to have my teeth brushed by my dentist the same way I did at home. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be so much more than that! As time went on, my curiosity deepened, especially after I experienced first-hand what could happen if proper oral hygiene is not maintained; I required a root canal at age 9. It was at that time that my curiosity began to lead me to research what kinds of people can help a person maintain a healthy mouth before it becomes necessary to perform such invasive procedures. In my research, the term "Registered Dental Hygienist" came up more than any other. To make a long story short, I'm now on track to realize my goal of becoming part of that special team. I'm due to graduate from the Dental Hygiene Program at Coastal Carolina Community College in May 2021, and will be receiving an honorable discharge from the Navy shortly thereafter. Upon my departure from the Navy, I intend to bring the same passion and excellence in patient care to the private sector where I believe my experience in dentistry for the military will be a strong asset.